
Staff Feature – Molly Cross

Meet the Team Feature Each month (or there about!) we (or Bob Honey) finds out a bit more about the great team at the Packhorse. You’ll know Molly Cross by her infectious smile and cheerful manner. Molly has been with the Packhorse for all but the first month of its reopening as a community pub. […]

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Tripadvisor 2023 Travellers’ Choice Award Winner

Every year, Tripadvisor celebrates restaurants that consistently deliver amazing experiences with a Travellers’ Choice Award – and this year, we made the list again! This makes us in the top 10% of restaurants worldwide to receive this.    

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Genial Host of the Packhorse places a wager … in 1932!

With a huge thanks to Jenny J for passing this to us, we have just become aware of a fascinating story involving the Packhorse Pub some 90 years ago (1932). Jenny found some old newspaper clippings which started with the following: It reads … Just for a Wager I understand that a sporting event of […]

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Packhorse Community Pub | 2022 Survey

Firstly, to say a huge “thank you” to everyone who took the time and effort to contribute to our 2022 Survey. As a team, we felt it was really important to just “take stock” of how we are doing and, most importantly, to set improvement targets for the year ahead. This especially so in the […]

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